Monday, March 17, 2008

KOMTAR..... when will you be back???

The most popular building at Penag "KOMTAR". What was happen to this Great Building? All the goverment department was inside there. This building was represented Penang . But, what was happened to this building during last few years? Now, i think no one of Penang citizen wish to go to this building. Most of the shop was close down. Today, "KOMTAR" become a "dead" building with all the goverment department inside there.. Sad.. What does uncle Khoor done to bring it to a greater high during last few years? Hope that Uncle Lim can bring Penang and KOMTAR to a greater high.. Please, don't let all the Penang Goverment department just "Park" inside a dead building

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

DAP Drop NEP in Penang

Will it be too fast? Drop NEP in Penang?

Saturday, March 8, 2008


DAP do a Great job this time.. 真的响应了“再转变”。转到了火箭。Bn 未卜先知。知道这次槟城这次一定变。“他们”也该醒来了。冬眠了十八年。也该开始努力了。这次的转变,是好是坏?这得看DAP 会付出多少的努力来证明他们。证明槟城人民对他们的信任没有白费。“火箭, 这只是一个开始,只是槟城人民给你们一个机会。如果“火箭”要升空。你们还得付出比“他们”多几倍的努力。好好干吧。

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

再转变。投火箭。哈哈。I like it.

like this.. what u think.. clever ideal. 现代的孔明借箭。哈哈。